
The tokonomics of Digital Rupee is crucial as it ensures transparent and equitable distribution of tokens supports the project's financial sustainability, and incentivizes community participation through rewards and staking. By anchoring the total supply to the population of India, it provides stability and predictability. This solid foundation fosters trust and long-term engagement from users and investors.

Token distribution

Soft Capital: $3,200,000
Hard Capital: $6,300,000

This Allocated significant portion of token for the initial sale to the public and private investors. Funds raised during the token sale will help us for ongoing development efforts, including smart contract enhancements, security audits, marketing and technological project-related expenses.

This 25% Rupee tokens are allocated for the community incentives to encourage user engagement, liquidity provision, and long-term holding. This fund can be distributed through launchpool staking rewards, liquidity programs, and other community-driven. This widespread distribution, avoiding centralization and promoting decentralization initiative.

This 15% tokens are allocated for the core development team, team token locking are essential here as well, ensuring that team members remain committed to the project's success over an extended period.

Founding Team (Token)
Lock Period
216,257,987 Rupee
2 Years (24 Months)

To implementing upgrades this 10% token allocated for ongoing future development of the project. This fund ensures that there are resources available for maintaining and improving the protocol, conducting security audits, and upgrades. This allocated fund will release through vesting after cliff period of 4 months. This structure will ensures the continuous study improvement and maintenance of the Rupee Token ecosystem community.

Development Funds (Token)
Cliff Period
Vesting Period
100,920,390 Rupee
4 Months
1.2 Years (14 Months)

We allocated 10% tokens for forming strategic partnerships. This can involve collaborations with other projects, influencers, or businesses that can contribute to the growth and adoption of the token.

Fund Distribution

Digital Rupee's fund allocation ensures the comprehensive development and sustainability of the project, directing resources towards smart contract and marketplace app development, infrastructure maintenance, and business expansion. It also covers essential operational costs, legal compliance, and robust marketing campaigns to drive adoption and growth. This strategic allocation fosters a secure, efficient, and scalable digital currency ecosystem.

Soft Capital: $3,200,000
Hard Capital: $6,300,000

Development of Smart contract and marketplace apps. 30%

Server & System setup, maintenance & hosting. 15%

Management & Operation 15%

Legal & Securities Team 15%

Enhancement Marketing & Awareness 10%

Digital Rupee Official Verification

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In order to prevent fraud on behalf of Digital Rupee, you can check if the account you specified is an official channel or not. The following official accounts are available for verification: Telegram, Twitter, E-mail, Instagram, YouTube and Github accounts.